Monday, May 4, 2009


In response to Lone Star Blog
This is an incredibly touchy subject where emotions flair and both sides feel very passionate about their beliefs. I'm not really for or against abortion and don't plan on trying to be the expert but here is what I think. 

It's difficult to say that a woman should have every right to do whatever she wants with her body because if there is a baby in her body it is no longer just her body but the baby's as well. If the child was already born and the mother killed him that would be murder. However when does the baby reach the point of "Human Life" ? There are a lot of studies and facts that argue different stages of the pregnancy. 
The argument that you could be "putting that miracle in someone elses hands that would love to raise him/her", in my opinion, is not very well researched. There are so many kids living in foster homes and waiting for a "forever family" for someone to love them and care for them. Why bring more unwanted (I know that sounds horrible but it is a unfortunate reality) kids to this world? What if the woman was a victim of rape? Do you think that she should have to look at the ultrasound of her unborn child to remind her of that horrible experience? Do you think she should be reminded again that she is going to kill the fetus because she doesn't want anything to do with that horrible experience? Who are we to judge her or to force her to go through that?

 We should be spending more time and resources on preventing unwanted pregnancies. Recently, President Obama was blasted for having put funding in his stimulus plan for contraceptives, but yet if more people had these available and we spent more time educating our young maybe we would have less unwanted pregnancies.

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